Wednesday, September 23, 2009

get skinny time. and ensiferum for good measure.

haven't blogged in ages. i wish i could say there was many an update, but sadly there are only a few.

I have declared get skinny time. normally this would mean that i would eat things like baked lays or just not eat chipotle four times a week, i decided that no, i deserve more. my body and mind deserve more. with a little (or complete and total guidance) from my good friend donielle, i have basically been able to re-vamp my lifestyle. i will love her forever for giving me the direction i needed when i needed a life coach.

this has meant going vegetarian, or almost. still eating seafood, however i don't know if that will last forever. im just not ready to give up shrimp yet. but we'll see. i will only eat foods if i can identify EVERY SINGLE ingredient in them. NO DYES. NO PRESERVATIVES. if it sounds bad kids, it is, dont eat it. organic is best. not USDA certified though, unless it is certified by someone else too. the USDA is certifying foods that are poisoning america, truth.

the only real problem with this is now i LOVE buying food. too much. i have a problem. i like to just hang out in whole foods.

yoga. oh yoga. best thing to happen to my life. its just amazing how sweating your booty off for an hour doing the silliest looking things can take you to a whole new level of consciousness. i can tell you that i believe in a great spirit. and in yoga its like kissing the feet of the spirit of the universe. one step closer to being one with nature and all that lives and breathes in this world.

probably sounds silly. i am not a yoga pro by any means. i am a baby to most yogi's but hey even buddha was a man before he reached nirvana.

i love seeing the benefits that the people that are close to me and that i love are getting from me and my efforts to better my mind and body and spirit.

i wish i could say i was zen all the time, but im not. i try to live by the principal, progress not perfection. and i would rather experience the progress than just get perfection.

glad to say that i am feeling a million times better than i used to. gettin skinny and feelin great!

now that im all a glow with hippy love i have to remind myself that i am metal.


its exactly what i wanted it to be. less über peppy than victory songs, but still maintains the folkishness that makes them who they are. in the lyrics there are indirectly anti-christian views, which i am very for. NOW DONT GET ME WRONG they are NOT satanic, nor do i support that because its just as ridiculous as christianity. however, i am certainly for voicing disapproval for christians invading your country and forcing their beliefs upon its citizens.

anyway not gunna get into that rant cuz im still glowing from the hippy talk.

they are coming in november and i may or may not just freak the F out. i rarely get like this. barely ever. but its been a long time since i have been this pleased with anyones new material. especially one of my all time favorite bands.

FANBOI4LYF - but whatev.

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